It knows what you like...
I must give props where props are due. StumbleUpon is a site that I enjoy on a personal level and also one that I can truly appreciate from a professional standpoint as well. Here's why...
After 'stumbling' a few times, I've come to expect a consistent feed of entertaining content relative my interests. It's pretty amazing how well this site discriminates based on the user selected interests I've hand-picked myself. There have been numerous pages I've stumbled across in which I thought to myself, "Wow, how/where is this community finding this stuff!?!"
Many of you may already know JibJab recently released their latest animation. This was the driver to begin exploring the the potential for referred traffic from a few different social sites such as: StumbleUpon,, Netscape, Reddit, Furl, etc... (MySpace and Digg are given). To make a long story short, after reviewing the metrics I noticed that the traffic we received from the StumbleUpon community really stood out amongst the rest. Now there's two things that I love about this.
For one, StumbleUpon was the one of the easier if not easiest sites to submit content to. Not that the others were difficult but submitting to StumbleUpon was so painless that I can't even remember doing it. And if you have any insight to the StumbleUpon 'voting' mechanism or upload algorithm, you'd know how gratifying it is to see traffic coming from here because the anonymity/steps of the process infers a great deal of how organically JibJab's content was pushed to the forefront. Secondly, the gradual tail off affect from StumbleUpon's traffic is favorable when compared to other sites that yield a massive one-time spike (not to say that this isn't valuable in its own right because it most certainly is).
StumbleUpon ftw!
hi baby
First comment on a blog post. Ever.
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