Internet Marketing and SEO
Internet marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) is something I've been familiarizing myself with since September 06. In addition to my random thoughts I'll be posting in this blog, which I hope you find amusing...I'll primarily be using it as a platform to test different best practices for SEO. Although I've been exposed to the world of SEO for nearly half a year now, it wasn't till I started my new position as an Internet Marketer for JibJab Media (funny site that I really started to make any headway.
It's easy to get caught up and waste your time doing a lot of different things that don't really have much affect but through the help of my boss Dave Schappell - marketing manager extraordinaire, I'm beginning to see the internet in a completely different light. Everything I see and do now is SEO driven. Just take a look at the keywords I chose to link within this post. SEO is drastically more addicting than anything else I've come across. The frustrating part about it is that it seems as though you'll never entirely catch up as the internet is evolving every hour of the day...but it sure as hell is fun to try.
More to come...
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